keeping on keeping on
we had a big ole conference meeting today with icu doctors, general practioner doctor, lung doctor, infectious disease doctor, chaplain, social workers, me and robert and his mother...
it seems like it's impossible to tell if isaac still has an infection. too bad, because i don't like the sounds of this antiviral medicine we're giving him. i'm really hoping he responds well to it.
his chest xray from this morning showed a little more air pockets, particularly in his right lung. this could be promising.
he's lost alot of his swelling... so he looks alot skinnier today. his ribs are quite visible... he's been sick over 2 weeks now and hasn't eaten all that much, so it makes sense.
they're feeding him formula through a ng tube that goes directly to his stomach (in addition to the iv nutrition bag). they'd prefer to feed him through his stomach instead of the iv because there's a higher risk of infection with the iv. our stomach's are sterile environments, plus the acidity makes for quite the hostile place for bacteria to grow. our bodies really do so much for us!!
he shakes and twitches quite abit. personally, i feel like this is good to see. i know he's such a vital little guy. when he's well, it is impossible to keep him still!
this weekend, they are going to give his lungs a try. c'mon lungs!! just a breath in, and a breath out. a breath in. and now... a breath out. and let's just do it over and over and over and over ... you get the picture.
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