Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Extubation Nation

Welp, yesterday at 9AMish, Isaac had that dratted tube removed from his trachea. He has seemed so much more at ease since. Except when he'd cough. That would make him cry. His throat is supposed to be quite quite sore. So coughing, while good for them lungs, is painful.

But today he's supposed to try eating for the first time in weeks upon weeks.

I haven't been in yet to see him today. But yesterday it was fun to be able to stand and hold him. or to sit him up into a sitting position. he's quite floppy. he did manage to sit up a little and be really interested in the id bracelet that's around one of his ankles. that's my boy with his deep interest in all things tags.

OK, i'll write more later after i've seen him.


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