Friday, July 08, 2005

Two weeks down under

Yeah, it's two weeks today he's been in ICU and completely sedated. I always feel like Isaac's just swimming below the surface. I don't quite know how to put into words what I mean... It's like I know he's there but he's just not immediately available for comment.

ANYWAY! Isaac seems to be showing steady improvement. He's still on the ventillator. The docs seem intent on keeping him on it until the amount of O2 he needs is in the 30 percentage range and the amount of pressure the ventillator keeps his lungs at is down to 3 or 4 peeps. I have no idea what a peep is but it has to do with pressure in his lungs after/as he exhales. He is currently at 50% O2 and 8 peeps. So we have a ways to go.

They are reducing his peeps by one a day. And he's tolerating quite well. They're upping his nutritional/caloric intake. And removing all of the heart drugs. They're starting the narcotic-weaning process, now.

Today, I stuck my finger in his hand which seemed to wake him up. He was wiggling all around. his eyebrows raise up and down. his tongue moves in and out. he opens his mouth. his eyes are closed all the while. you can just tell he's itching to be free of the sedation and get to crawling or walking or something!!

He has this massive bruise on the right side of his head which is turning these incredible browns, greens, and yellow colors. this bruise is the result of a clot bursting and his inability to clot (because of the anti-clotting medicine he had to take while on the ecmo). it looks more like i'm a really bad parent and that he received a huge wallop to the head. the swelling has gone down tremendously as well -- so he's looking less and less like the kid with the football shaped head on that "Family Guy" cartoon.

When I think of that little guy I call my son, I sure get the warm fuzzies. I'm proud of my strong little son. Go Isaac!


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