Thursday, July 28, 2005

Happy First Birthday!

Yup, a year ago now this little guy was taking in his first breaths and his first swallows and his first sights of the world. Yay Isaac!! You made it through your first year. I'm cheering!!!

So, the hospital is talking about releasing the boy tomorrow. But we shall see -- it is dependent on how well Isaac does of course.

Some new developments: he's got an NG (nasogastric) feeding tube in right now and is not taking any foods orally at all. They discovered he does this thing called "silent aspiration". This means that sometimes when he drinks he inhales fluid straight into his lungs without any sign at all. He does not choke, cough, sputter or have any other reflexive reaction that normally occurs when food goes down the wrong pipe. In the barium swallow test, he just continued to drink as though nothing were happening.

I guess the thought is it is a side-effect of having the ventilator in him for so long. And that probably means sensation will return in his trachea once again at some point? I'm not sure... I guess time will tell.

Hopefully, this will avoid aspiration completely (there's still a chance if he refluxes) and his lungs will heal faster. we just can't have formula going into those lungs, you know???

there's been talk that perhaps it was aspiration that landed him in the ICU in the first place. as usual nothing conclusive -- except that he does aspirate for sure. at least, at this time.

he crawled for the first time yesterday, just a couple of steps. he even sat up from the crawling position. and went back into a crawling position and then fell on his face. and then he was exhausted. i think sometimes i don't appreciate how weak he had become.

OK, it's time to go celebrate with the birthday boy!!


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